
World's leading R&D services marketplace

Product Design
Frontend Engineering
Science Exchange

About The Project

Science exchange is disrupting the world of scientific research by making it easy and accessible for researchers to access the world’s leading scientific labs, equipment and service providers to conduct experiments.

Science Exchange Science Exchange Science Exchange

High Level Goals

Give researchers direct access to the tools and services they need to conduct their experience and make the process hassle free, clear and more logical.

My Contributions

At Science Exchange, I was the lead product designer responsible for the design and execution of the web application, the marketing sites and overall branding efforts.

I distilled the research from the UX team into a prioritized list of feature implementation and bug fixes and conducted 2 week design sprints. I closely managed and interfaced with the technical team to deploy design changes and iterate quickly towards better solutions.

Science Exchange Science Exchange
Science Exchange Science Exchange

Project Challenges

  • Translate paper forms into web fields with appropriate input/out conditionals.
  • Encourage high quality experience through reviews, white papers and guidance prompts.
  • Protect and white-label data and create a payments system that is easy for providers to implement into their current workflow.


  • Determined the best design walkthrough patterns that reduces friction for researchers filling out forms.
  • Created in-app prompts to promote high standards of experimental reproducibility to install confidence in partner providers.
  • Made data secure and designed features to track progress and pay for services.

The Solution

Posting requests for scientific services is a complex and time consuming task for scientists. We aimed to digitize this process by converting lengthy forms into multi-step wizards and organizing the information architecture into logical hierarchy to make the information easier to aggregate and leverage.

Science Exchange
Next: HarvestLink